Daily Archives: September 13, 2006

Musharraf Blames Uncle Sam for Pakistani Terrorism

West responsible for extremism: Musharraf

BRUSSELS, Sept. 13, 2006: President General Pervez Musharraf has blamed the West for breeding terrorism in his country by bringing in thousands of mujahideen to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and then leaving Pakistan alone a decade later to face the armed warriors.

Musharraf told the European Parliament’s foreign affairs committee on Tuesday that Pakistan was not the intolerant, extremist country often portrayed by the West, and terrorism and extremism were not inherent in Pakistani society. Whatever extremism or terrorism is in Pakistan is a direct fallout of the 26 years of warfare and militancy around us. It gets back to 1979 when the West, the United States and Pakistan waged a war against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, Musharraf told EU lawmakers.

We launched a jihad, brought in mujahideen from all over the Muslim world, the US and the West.We armed the Taliban and sent them in; we did it together. In 1989 everyone left Pakistan with 30,000 armed mujahideen who were there, and the Taliban who were there, he said, adding that Pakistan had paid a big price for being part of the coalition that fought the Soviet Union.

Well for starters Taliban was not one of the militias which was established during the Anti-Soviet operation. It was founded only in the mid 90’s, 1994 to be precise.

And secondly It was General Zia ul Haq who chose which groups needed to be funded and which ones were to be left out. And it was Gulbudin Hekmatyar’s faction which received the most aid. This guy is still active on the side of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban and some of his chums were picked up this week in a NATO raid in southern Afghanistan.

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Crusader Pope

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This Pope knows how to find trouble. After blatantly trying to interfere in India’s internal affairs by giving a lecture on the Indian constitution itself to the Indian Ambassador and otherwise angering everyone from Liberals to feminists by his rigid stand on most issues. He has now taken on radical Islam itself.

POPE Benedict has hit out at Islam and its concept of holy war during a visit to his Bavarian homeland.

The thinly veiled attack on extremist Islam’s justification for terrorism came during a theological lecture to staff and students at the University of Regensburg, where the former Joseph Ratzinger taught theology in the 1970s.

Using the words, “jihad” and “holy war”, the Pope quoted criticisms of the prophet Mohammed by a 14th century Byzantine Christian emperor, Manuel II, during a debate with a learned Persian.

“Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached,” Benedict quoted the emperor as saying. “The emperor goes on to explain in detail the reasons why spreading the faith through violence is something unreasonable,” the Pope said.

“Violence is incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul,” he added.

Muslims react to Pope’s statement.Like pointed out at the beginning, this guy looks for trouble and finds it too.

The leftist-liberal Media is yet to get into the act but it soon will.They will paint the pope as a religious bigot while at the same time projecting the likes of Bin laden and Ahmedinejad and Khatami and Nasrallah as less dangerous and spiteful than they really are.

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